Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mike Cox, Part Two

'03-'09 Michigan's Attorney General 

An Eastsider with popularity, Mike Cox has a chance to take the nomination. But it will be a long road for Cox unless he gets his head in the game. While Hoekstra has already set up a website and Lynn-Land has given us her budget (baby steps), Cox is telling GM and Chrysler LLC. that if they go bankrupt, they need to file bankruptcy in Michigan. 

If Cox had done any campaigning before this move, it would have been genius. It would have shown the voter that he understands the economic climate of Michigan and getting out of our slump isn't going to be as easy as cutting a pool toy with an axe. The hardships that we are going to face will be tough and a diverse economy will be needed in Michigan for it to prosper. Unless you are one of the four Evangelists you can't build a campaign on a letter. You can, however, use it during your campaigning to fill out your image as a pragmatist. 

If Cox and Lynn-Land are trying to catch up with Hoekstra they need to; 
Get their infrastructure together, 
Set up a website even if it just has their name, picture and bio
Get out on the road! Or at least in front of the t.v. camera. 

(Image From Detnews)

In other news: 
Pete Hoekstra and The Waterboard: 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A small break

Hi all,

I will be taking a break from the action until Friday.

Friday: Mike Cox (Part Two)

Sunday: Virtual Image
I will analyze Hoeksra's and Cherry's websites and compare the candidates image messages to the popular press' image commentary to attempt a construction of a political image.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breaking News: Patterson Declines to Enter Governor's Race.

L. Brooks Patterson announced to day that he will not leave his job as Okland County Exectuive to run for Governor next year.

Kathleen Gray reports in the Detroit Free Pess:
In statement from his vacation home in Florida, Patterson said, “I can not justify leaving my position as Oakland County Executive unattended for the next year and a half while I engage in a statewide campaign for Governor,” 
This opens the feild wide for the republican contenders. Even though Patterson was rummored to not wanting to join the race, the weight of his non-commital rested heavly on the prospects of the other canidates. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Non-Viable Republicans and Other Things.

I would like to address why I haven't posted the March 14th poll data before I get into why the following candidates currently have no viability. Basing any strategy on a poll taken nineteen months the general election and fifteen months before the primary campaign, is not just ridiculous it is dangerous. At this stage in the election cycle there are still candidates entering the race. No candidate has had a chance to have their political image tested by the popular press. So far only the blogosphere (including podcasts) has really started to turn it's attention to the governors race.

By non-viable I mean to say that, currently, these candidates have not been able to present themselves in the same way that other gubernatorial candidates have presented themselves in past campaigns that have been successful. A successful image doesn't mean that a person with that political image has won; success only means that a candidate with a similar image has been seen as having a chance to win (or as viable).

Non-Viable Republican Candidates:

Ted Nugent:
The only way that celeb's usually make it to any state's executive office are though:
1. A special election. Everyone hates the current party because of the current scandal and everyone is on the ballet. Whoever gets above 30% of the vote is usually the winner.
2. Having held an elected (political) office before.
Having neither of these any bid for the nomination of the Republican party would be insane. Hell, Don Williamson is running, so he might just do it.

Candice Miller: 
'95-'03 Michigan's Secretary of State 
'04-'09 Michigan's 10th District US House Rep. 

Whoaaahh! Hold on! 
You say: Candice Miller toally has a chance!
I say: 2000 Redistricting. 
You say: 1 Million vote margin win in 2000. 
You say: Popular House member.
I say: Representing the the Thumb
You say: That's apart of Michigan. 
I say: So is the U.P. but you don't see Bart Stupak running for Governor. 
You say:  15 years political service
I say: Palin Truth Squad. 

I don't think that she has no chance but if she is seriously going to run for Governor, she has to get out there in the spotlight. For there to be two conseritives running in the primary someone has to come out swinging, at the other. If this were any other year, Miller would have a great shot at ousting a Democrat, however, unless there is a major scandal 2010 for the Democratic brand or the Republicans have a really moderate message (somethink like, pro-worker or pro-education) this should be an eleciton for the democrats. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pete Hoekstra

US Representative Michigan 2nd District '93-'09

The second district has been known to elect some fairly conservative representatives and Hoekstra is no exception. If George W. Bush decided not to ever be out-Texn'd (vernacular added) Peter Hoekstra has made the same pledge, he will never be out-West Michigandered. Peter, the Christian Reformer Hope graduate born in the Netherlands, after rising to a vice president at Herman Miller decided to campaign by riding his bike across the district. For his dedication, he was rewarded with a victory and another victory until now when he running for Governor.

In his long career in the House, Hoekstra, has developed a strict party line voting record that can be said to represent his district very well. Living in the second district for the most of five years now, unless you follow his twitter you know little about him.

Early Political Image:

Peter's twitter (the only Represenititve or Senator from Michigan with one) has been, both, his best friend and his worst enemy. Back in February, Hoekstra went on a trip to Iraq with Ohio represenititve John Boehner. Which would have been a fine holiday if it wasn't supposed to be a state secret ("Just landed in Baghdad"). If this does not become an attack point in the primaries, you can bet it will be in the general election.

Superficially Hoekstra looks like a Governor, however, when he speaks outside of the halls it's a different story. In his campaign announcement he sounded like a fanboy geeked out to be campaigning for something other than represenititve. I don't know if it was poor directing or something else, but it doesn't feel right. If he continues to use this type of attack rhetoric with this delivery he will not do well. His opponents will be able to combine these ads with his tweeting dependency and have a great air-head assault against him. It would be 'Look what he did as a represenititve, do you want him to mess up our state too.' We will just have to wait and see.

For now you can see this: