Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mike Cox, Part Two

'03-'09 Michigan's Attorney General 

An Eastsider with popularity, Mike Cox has a chance to take the nomination. But it will be a long road for Cox unless he gets his head in the game. While Hoekstra has already set up a website and Lynn-Land has given us her budget (baby steps), Cox is telling GM and Chrysler LLC. that if they go bankrupt, they need to file bankruptcy in Michigan. 

If Cox had done any campaigning before this move, it would have been genius. It would have shown the voter that he understands the economic climate of Michigan and getting out of our slump isn't going to be as easy as cutting a pool toy with an axe. The hardships that we are going to face will be tough and a diverse economy will be needed in Michigan for it to prosper. Unless you are one of the four Evangelists you can't build a campaign on a letter. You can, however, use it during your campaigning to fill out your image as a pragmatist. 

If Cox and Lynn-Land are trying to catch up with Hoekstra they need to; 
Get their infrastructure together, 
Set up a website even if it just has their name, picture and bio
Get out on the road! Or at least in front of the t.v. camera. 

(Image From Detnews)

In other news: 
Pete Hoekstra and The Waterboard: 


  1. Intersting race coming up for the Republicans. Choosing one at this point is impossible to do. Much, for my leanign, will depend on whether a candidate supports the MI Fair Tax plan , how they stand up for the Sovereignty of Michigan against the obliarchial conduct of the Federal Government, and how protecting our individualism as a people is manifested.

  2. That is an intresting point. What about the michigan fair tax makes it a worthy platform position. Also using dated terms like sovernignty and obscure terms like obliarchy may drive most of the independent vote away from such a mesure. This kind of rehtoric is more aligned with the 'Ron Paul' conservatives than the base of the party. If you can effectivly shift the mindset of the party in Michigan to a sort of modified libertarian then this would work, but I don't see that shift happening anytime soon.
