Monday, May 4, 2009

Response to Mike Cox Part Two

Hey Matt,

I know this is a bit after the fact (and I am not as up on Michigan politics as I soon will be) but I would caution you on gauging the party. I believe the recent exodus of Arlen Specter belies a deeper shift in the Republican Party. As hurtful as it may be for liberals to hear, W Bush had a policy of "taking the wind out of Democrat's sails" in terms of basic government structures. This translated to supporting the vast expansion of government in ways that people would not notice publicly. 

Surely, Obama has eclipsed W Bush in spending. However, W Bush greatly expanded government programs. Befuddled Liberals always marvel at how Bush even got close to being re-elected and the truth lies in the genius of this approach. Subconsciously, voters did not perceive a great difference between Bush and Kerry and they were right (as the American public always is is Tocqueville is to be believed but that is a far deeper matter). 

Getting back to my point. After eight years people really did want change. Then Senator Obama certainly entertained their notions and was elected easily. He offered a change far from his proposed simplification of American ideals. Rather, he is writing checks we cannot cash at a historic rate. At this point, Ron Paul seems prophetic. His devoted followers now team with duped conservatives who voted for Obama because they really believed his changes would be in their interest, they were captivated by his oration, or maybe they just felt gooey inside voting for him. 

At any rate, Paul's government simplification message has taken serious hold and these recent "Tax Parties" are no flash in the pan. A war rages inside the Republicans as to the platform of the party. I believe Specter's fleeing to the Democrats is a sure sign that his seat was getting hot and the people of his constituency were not the only ones turning up the dial. Perhaps I shall write another response as to why the Fair Tax and Nader's Bailout Plan are sheer genius. Regardless, I am excited to return to my homeland and continue our rewarding rhetoric.

Warm Regards from Virginia,